10:54:41 AM: Michael Clarke (American Medical Association) starts off Bohr quote to start, and some funny thoughts about predicting the future. #ssp09
10:56:08 AM: Will talk about three ways technology will change things: Semantics, Social Media, and Content Integration. #ssp09
10:59:55 AM: Talking about how the Star Trek communicator’s transition to reality is important to think about #ssp09
11:00:52 AM: This session wil be using Poll Everywhere. Text 99503 tweet @poll4, or go to http://poll4.com to vote #ssp09
11:02:53 AM: First up, semantics. 60% in-room of audience thinks this is important.
11:03:37 AM: “Publishing 3.0” akin to the sematic web. “Turning documents into data” #ssp09
11:05:29 AM: Asks why do I care? Says STM publishers MUST have a semantic strategy. #ssp09
11:07:25 AM: Now, the value of your product is defined by the usage by consumers. #ssp09
11:08:45 AM: Usage is determined by usefulness. Sematic data improves usefulness through increasing retrieval precision. #ssp09
11:11:02 AM: Retrieval precision is about how your search results can be exactly what your users want: no more, no less. #ssp09
11:13:58 AM: Disambiguation example: ARF= Acute Rheumatic Fever, Acute Renal Failure, and Acute Repertory Failure. Searchers just type “ARL.” #ssp09
11:17:08 AM: Semantics does: Machine-made context link, trend analysis, semantic user profiles (Amazon recommendations as example), ad precision. #ssp09
11:19:32 AM: semantic ad precision: If there is conflict in showing a pharma ad nxt to a drug article, track the user and show it on another page. #ssp09
11:21:23 AM: Example. A textbook might have hundreds of chapters and thousands of topics. Semantics goes beyond XML in finding them #ssp09
11:25:43 AM: Steps to implementing semantics: choose a taxonomy, add it to workflows as a critical piece, use your metadata! #ssp09
11:26:21 AM: Semantics will influence all parts of the publishing business. #ssp09
11:27:52 AM: A time will come when semantically-driven functions are no longer optional;. You WILL be marginalized. #ssp09
11:28:57 AM: Oops — all of those earlier tweets were from a semedica presentation. Forgot to say that.
11:30:37 AM: Next up: Shared Book. Thinks the idea of a book is important, not necessarily the physical manifestation. #ssp09
11:31:39 AM: Customers may want to re-work a book in different ways, add social media, etc. #ssp09
11:37:52 AM: Example: VOUGEknitting.com’s KnitBook. Lets you make custom knitting pattern books. Just the patterns you want in the book. #ssp09
11:38:30 AM: “I hope everyone’s the leap from patterns to chapters to journal articles” #ssp09
11:39:26 AM: Sorry: “I hope everyone’s MAKING the leap from patterns to chapters to journal articles” #ssp09
11:41:26 AM: KnitBook is done in JavaScript, easy to add something like it to your site. #ssp09
11:43:43 AM: Now talking social media. #ssp09
11:46:18 AM: SharedBook has taken the Google book settlement discussion and consolidated it in one spot. Can add annotations. #ssp09
11:48:09 AM: SharedBook’s tool can take bog posts/articles and package them with annotations and comments. #ssp09
11:52:58 AM: “Journals may no longer be available on paper, but that doesn’t mean that people won’t pay for aggregated journals in book form.” #ssp09
11:53:35 AM: Add reviewer comments , other components as an option. #ssp09
11:54:33 AM: “Prestalgia: the wistful longing for things that have not yet occurred.” #ssp09
11:57:43 AM: HighWire. is up. Asking what kind of content people publish. #ssp09
11:58:01 AM: Talking about books online. #ssp09
12:00:36 PM: “Articles/chapters are packaging for information.” “That information is used, not read.” #ssp09
12:02:11 PM: NYT is pushing their content to a few dozen places — not just paper. #ssp09
12:06:38 PM: Examples: Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, Royal Society of Medicine Handbook of practice management. #ssp09
12:07:41 PM: Examples of offers that combine publishers: GeoScienceWorld, Science Signaling. #ssp09
12:09:57 PM: Some of these look line one publication, but are really aggregates. #ssp09
12:11:20 PM: What’s coming? Lots more books online. More intelligent marketing tools. More channels for discoverability. More experimentation. #ssp09
12:15:01 PM: Make portable, use a content-agnostic delivery platform, make content friendly to new devices, cross-promote. #ssp09
12:17:00 PM: Losers will be publishers who cling to their old model “cash cow.” It will go away. #ssp09