2:04:51 PM: Speakers: Janet Fisher, Melanie Dolechek, Jennifer Pesanelli, and Will Fisher. Moderatied by Theresa Pickel
2:06:08 PM: Will Fisher is up first: Using Social Media tools to market on the cheap. His org (ASLHA) got started in social media 18 mo. ago. #ssp09
2:06:47 PM: “Meet you members where that are at.” Facebook, Twitter, low barrier to entry. #ssp09
2:07:27 PM: ASHA is on YouTube. Started with marketing videos for their products. #ssp09
2:08:24 PM: ASHA also has ~20 member videos highlighting the work of the members and the Association. #ssp09
2:10:14 PM: Ran YouTube contest (Better Hearing and Speech month). Cash prize. Got 20 entries (2 minute vids). Was amazed at how good they were. #ssp09
2:11:49 PM: Next up: Jennifer Pesanelli on press releases. Hired PR writer to write up their science. Since ’06, 4x media hits. #ssp09
2:13:59 PM: Headlines might make your scientists cringe, but they get attention (NPR, O Magazine, NYT). #ssp09
2:15:01 PM: Now: Melanie Dolechek, talking about wikis and image libraries as resources to draw people in. #ssp09
2:15:48 PM: Free glossaries, info handouts that get students interested in the society. Images for presentations. #ssp09
2:16:14 PM: Gets people thinking of you and keeps you at the top of your mind. #ssp09
2:17:21 PM: Now: Janet Fisher. Work hard to maintain the customers you already have, especially libraries. Renewal campaigns. #ssp09
2:18:22 PM: Call subscribers, starting with the people who spend the most and go down from there. #ssp09
2:19:15 PM: ASHA is back. Now talking about podcasts [AW: Great!]. Interviews to go with feature articles. #ssp09
2:20:03 PM: Doing a safe listening concert series, did music podcasts. #ssp09
2:21:17 PM: Most popular ASHA podcast episode was about “late talkers.” Two versions: technical one and one for consumers. #ssp09
2:22:15 PM: Says fidelity doesn’t matter that much in video and audio [AW: I disagree]. “Little to no editing” [Disagree strongly there] #ssp09
2:22:50 PM: Get a sponsor for your podcast, maybe MAKE some money. #ssp09
2:24:03 PM: Jennifer: Exchange advertising. What do your readers also read? Target those pubs, even in other countries. #ssp09
2:25:22 PM: These posts are appearing live (and archived) at
2:26:39 PM: Get lists from partners. Offer a discount to their readers as a “member benefit” to expand, or send free issues. #ssp09
2:28:04 PM: Fisher: “We’re canceling because your journal isn’t being used.” Monitor usage. Target faculty at underperforming customers. #ssp09
2:28:59 PM: Target institutions who aren’t using the online access included with their subscription, and encourage them to use it. #ssp09
2:30:20 PM: ASHA: Sign up for Twitter. (They are @ASHAWeb). They use it for announcements and PR. #ssp09
2:31:11 PM: Talking about hashtags (#ssp09) in particular. Real-time conference info.
2:32:04 PM: Great for people who aren’t attending. Can follow he conference from the outside. #ssp09
2:32:58 PM: Instant feedback for presenters. Says it’s hard to resist checking right now (@ASHAWeb, you’re doing fine). #ssp09
2:33:40 PM: RT @meyercarol: Twitter poll–25% of room? #ssp09 Market W Fisher [Thanks, I’m in front and can’t see] #ssp09
2:35:32 PM: Boothshare. May have separate budgets for different groups in your org. Pool with other departments/organizations. Save money. #ssp09
2:37:12 PM: Add alerts, news updates, ad space, RSS, on your site. “Make your site work for you.”
2:37:58 PM: Put ads at the article level, not just on homepage. People come in through Google. #ssp09
2:38:48 PM: Fisher: market to new countries, new areas. Partner with similar pubs who aren’t direct competitors. #ssp09
2:40:17 PM: ASHA, now talking Facebook. #ssp09
2:40:45 PM: Signed up in secret. Didn’t tell senior staff. Didn’t have a plan, but did it anyway. #ssp09
2:41:39 PM: Did a survey: members went to website 2-3x/mo. Spending more time on Facebook. “Meet the members where they’re at.” #ssp09
2:42:46 PM: ASHA Has their Twitter feed running into Facebook. Also some FB-only posts. #ssp09
2:46:13 PM: Has had people connect through Facebook, say that their presence made a difference. Now has 13,000 fans on FB. #ssp09
2:47:10 PM: Publishing discounts for members. Discounted color figures, etc. #ssp09
2:48:53 PM: E-reminders to sell reprints has led to a gain in e-print sales. #ssp09
2:49:51 PM: Use communications you already send to people to ask “are you a member?” Costs nothing. #ssp09
2:51:18 PM: Build a “buyers’ guide” to journals. Becomes a reference in itself, and increases subscriptions. #ssp09
2:52:33 PM: Use a blog as a way to get out “short, executive-summary” version of your publication. “Could be the next press release.” #ssp09
2:53:48 PM: ASHA Uses Google Analytics, and loves it. #ssp09
2:56:05 PM: Marketing wanted to push info to Twitter/Facebook all the time. “I don’t want to tick them off.” Limited to 1/week. #ssp09
2:56:33 PM: Now the Q&A: Direct mail?
2:57:20 PM: Direct mail has a certain punch. People have to look through their mail. Better response than email, but $$$. #ssp09
2:58:18 PM: Q&A: Facebook is scary. What about people saying bad things?
2:59:39 PM: Maintain a presence. Students had made an unofficial FB group. Conversations will happen – engage in them. #ssp09
3:02:39 PM: Idea from audience: “Access tokens for trial access to online content.” “Harvest faculty emails” from websites if library says no. #ssp09
3:03:38 PM: PRT @meyercarol: Q Control spin on fb, twttr? A: giv up control. Against idea of social networking. Use gossip as oppty to respond. #ssp09
3:05:47 PM: Make faculty aware that online access is available, but the library isn’t using it. #ssp09
3:09:48 PM: I was just cited as a resource for this talk. Hello, if you came to find my tweets! #ssp09
3:11:13 PM: Okay, that’s it for the SSP Session: Market Big, Spend Small. Tweets are archived at #ssp09